
GitHub Source Link src/utilities/fonts/fonts

Open license web fonts are used within these patterns and are assigned tokens primary and secondary.

Token Font Family Description
Primary Montserrat Designated for headings and some user interface typography. See Google Font Specimen for details.
Secondary Lato Designated for buttons and body copy (lists/paragraphs). See Google Font Specimen for details.

Font families, weights, and styles can be assigned using Tailwindcss utilities as well.


Primary Font (Montserrat)

Secondary Font (Lato)

  <p class="font-primary">Primary Font (Montserrat)</p>
  <p class="font-secondary">Secondary Font (Lato)</p>
Global Stylesheet

Fonts are imported automatically by the global stylesheet.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/dist/styles/site-default.css">
Module Import
@use 'utilities/fonts/fonts';

Or, import from the Google Fonts CSS API directly for the customization of weights, etc. HTML <link> tag:

<!-- Add the following stylesheet in the <head> of the document -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href=",400i,700,700i,800,800i%7CMontserrat:400,400i,700">

Sass import:

// Add the following import statement in Sass file.
@import url(",400i,700,700i,800,800i%7CMontserrat:400,400i,700");